API ==== .. highlight:: c++ Limbo follows a `policy-based design `_, which allows users to combine high flexibility (almost every part of Limbo can be substituted by a user-defined part) with high performance (the abstraction do not add any overhead, contrary to classic OOP design). These two features are critical for researchers who want to experiment new ideas in Bayesian optimization. This means that changing a part of limbo (e.g. changing the kernel functions) usually corresponds to changing a template parameter of the optimizer. The parameters of the algorithms (e.g. an epsilon) are given by a template class (usually called Params in our code, and always the first argument). See :doc:`guides/parameters` for details. To avoid defining each component of an optimizer manually, Limbo provides sensible defaults. In addition, Limbo relies on `Boost.Parameter `_ to make it easy to customize a single part. This Boost library allows us to write classes that accept template argument (user-defined custom classes) by name. For instance, to customize the stopping criteria: :: using namespace limbo; // here stop_t is a user-defined list of stopping criteria bayes_opt::BOptimizer> boptimizer; Or to define a custom acquisition function: :: using namespace limbo; // here acqui_t is a user-defined acquisition function bayes_opt::BOptimizer> boptimizer; Class Structure --------------- .. figure:: pics/limbo_uml_v2.png :alt: UML class diagram :target: _images/limbo_uml_v2.png Click on the image to see it bigger. There is almost no explicit inheritance in Limbo because polymorphism is not used. However, each kind of class follow a similar template (or 'concept'), that is, they have to implement the same methods. For instance, every initialization function must implement a `operator()` method: .. code-block:: cpp template void operator()(const StateFunction& seval, const AggregatorFunction&, Opt& opt) const However, there is no need to inherit from a particular 'abstract' class. Every class is parametrized by a :ref:`Params ` class that contains all the parameters. Sequence diagram ----------------- .. figure:: pics/limbo_sequence_diagram.png :alt: Sequence diagram :target: _images/limbo_sequence_diagram.png Click on the image to see it bigger. File Structure --------------- (see below for a short explanation of the concepts) .. highlight:: none :: src +-- limbo: |-- acqui: acquisition functions |-- bayes_opt: bayesian optimizers |-- init: initialization functions |-- kernel: kernel functions |-- mean: mean functions |-- model: models (Gaussian Processes) |-- opt: optimizers (Rprop, CMA-ES, etc.) |-- stat: statistics (to dump data) |-- stop: stopping criteria |-- tools: useful macros & small functions |-- tests: unit tests |-- benchmarks: a few benchmark functions |-- examples: a few examples |-- cmaes: [external] the CMA-ES library, used for inner optimizations -- from https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaesintro.html |-- ehvi: [external] the Expected HyperVolume Improvement, used for Multi-Objective Optimization -- by Iris Hupkens .. highlight:: c++ Each directory in the `limbo` directory corresponds to a namespace with the same name. There is also a file for each directory called "*directory*.hpp" (e.g. ``acqui.hpp``) that includes the whole namespace. Bayesian optimizers (bayes_opt) --------------------------------- .. doxygenclass:: limbo::bayes_opt::BoBase :members: .. doxygenclass:: limbo::bayes_opt::BOptimizer :members: Acquisition functions (acqui) ------------------------------ .. _acqui-api: An acquisition function is what is optimized to select the next point to try. It usually depends on the model. Template ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template class AcquiName { public: AcquiName(const Model& model, int iteration = 0) : _model(model) {} size_t dim_in() const { return _model.dim_in(); } size_t dim_out() const { return _model.dim_out(); } template limbo::opt::eval_t operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd& v, const AggregatorFunction& afun, bool gradient) const { // code } }; Available acquisition functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: acqui :undoc-members: Default Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: Acqui_defaults :undoc-members: Init functions (init) ------------------------------ Initialization functions are used to inialize a Bayesian optimization algorithm with a few samples. For instance, we typically start with a dozen of random samples. Template ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp struct InitName { template void operator()(const StateFunction& seval, const AggregatorFunction&, Opt& opt) const { // code } Available initializers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: init :undoc-members: Default Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: init_defaults :undoc-members: Optimization functions (opt) ------------------------------ .. _opt-api: In Limbo, optimizers are used both to optimize acquisition functions and to optimize hyper-parameters. However, this API might be helpful in other places whenever an optimization of a function is needed. .. warning:: Limbo optimizers always MAXIMIZE f(x), whereas many libraries MINIMIZE f(x) Most algorithms are wrappers to external libraries (NLOpt and CMA-ES). Only the Rprop (and a few control algorithms like 'RandomPoint') is implemented in Limbo. Some optimizers require the gradient, some don't. The tutorial :ref:`Optimization sub-API ` describes how to use the opt:: API in your own algorithms. The return type of the function to be optimized is ``eval_t``, which is defined as a pair of a double (f(x)) and a vector (the gradient): .. code-block:: cpp using eval_t = std::pair>; To make it easy to work with ``eval_t``, Limbo defines a few shortcuts: .. doxygengroup:: opt_tools :members: Template ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template struct OptimizerName { template Eigen::VectorXd operator()(const F& f, const Eigen::VectorXd& init, bool bounded) const { // content } }; - ``f`` is the function to be optimized. If the gradient is known, the function should look like this: .. code-block:: cpp limbo::opt::eval_t my_function(const Eigen::VectorXd& v, bool eval_grad = false) { double fx = ; Eigen::VectorXd gradient = ; return {fx, gradient}; } It is possible to make it a bit more generic by not computing the gradient when it is not asked, that is: .. code-block:: cpp limbo::opt::eval_t my_function(const Eigen::VectorXd& v, bool eval_grad = false) { double fx = ; if (!eval_grad) return opt::no_grad(v); Eigen::VectorXd gradient = ; return {fx, gradient}; } - If the gradient of ``f`` is not known: .. code-block:: cpp limbo::opt::eval_t my_function(const Eigen::VectorXd& v, bool eval_grad = false) { double x = (v); return limbo::opt::no_grad(x); } - ``init`` is an optionnal starting point (for local optimizers); many optimizers ignore this argument (see the table below): in that case, an assert will fail. - ``bounded`` is true if the optimization is bounded in [0,1]; many optimizers do not support bounded optimization (see the table below). - ``eval_grad`` allows Limbo to avoid computing the gradient when it is not needed (i.e. when the gradient is known but we optimize using a gradient-free optimizer). To call an optimizer (e.g. NLOptGrad): .. code-block:: cpp // the type of the optimizer (here NLOpt with the LN_LBGFGS algorithm) opt::NLOptGrad lbfgs; // we start from a random point (in 2D), and the search is not bounded Eigen::VectorXd res_lbfgs = lbfgs(my_function, tools::random_vector(2), false); std::cout <<"Result with LBFGS:\t" << res_lbfgs.transpose() << " -> " << my_function(res_lbfgs).first << std::endl; Not all the algorithms support bounded optimization and/or initial point: +-------------+---------+-------+ |Algo. | bounded | init | +=============+=========+=======+ |CMA-ES | yes | yes | +-------------+---------+-------+ | NLOptGrad | \* | \* | +-------------+---------+-------+ | NLOptNoGrad | \* | \* | +-------------+---------+-------+ |Rprop | no | yes | +-------------+---------+-------+ |RandomPoint | yes | no | +-------------+---------+-------+ \* All NLOpt's global optimizers must have bounds. Check `NLOpt's reference `_ to see which algorithms support initial point. Available optimizers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: opt :undoc-members: Default parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: opt_defaults :undoc-members: Models / Gaussian processes (model) ------------------------------------ Currently, Limbo only includes Gaussian processes as models. More may come in the future. .. doxygenclass:: limbo::model::GP :members: .. _gp-hpopt: The hyper-parameters of the model (kernel, mean) can be optimized. The following options are possible: .. doxygengroup:: model_opt :members: See the :ref:`Gaussian Process` tutorial for a tutorial about using GP without using a Bayesian optimization algorithm. Kernel functions (kernel) -------------------------- .. _kernel-api: Template ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template struct Kernel : public BaseKernel> { Kernel(size_t dim = 1) {} double kernel(const Eigen::VectorXd& v1, const Eigen::VectorXd& v2) const { // code } }; Available kernels ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: kernel :members: Default parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: Kernel_defaults :undoc-members: Mean functions (mean) ---------------------- .. _mean-api: Mean functions capture the prior about the function to be optimized. Template ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template struct MeanFunction : public BaseMean { MeanFunction(size_t dim_out = 1) : _dim_out(dim_out) {} template Eigen::VectorXd operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd& v, const GP&) const { // code } protected: size_t _dim_out; }; Available mean functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: mean :members: Default parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: mean_defaults :undoc-members: Internals ^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygenstruct:: limbo::mean::FunctionARD :members: Stopping criteria (stop) ------------------------- Stopping criteria are used to stop the Bayesian optimizer algorithm. Template ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template struct Name { template bool operator()(const BO& bo, const AggregatorFunction&) { // return true if stop } }; Available stopping criteria ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: stop :members: Default parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: stop_defaults :undoc-members: Internals ^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygenstruct:: limbo::stop::ChainCriteria :members: .. _statistics-stats: Statistics (stats) ------------------- Statistics are used to report informations about the current state of the algorithm (e.g., the best observation for each iteration). They are typically chained in a `boost::fusion::vector<>`. Template ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cpp template struct Samples : public StatBase { template void operator()(const BO& bo, const AggregatorFunction&) { // code } }; .. doxygenstruct:: limbo::stat::StatBase Available statistics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: stat :members: Default parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: stat_defaults :undoc-members: Parallel tools (par) --------------------- .. doxygengroup:: par_tools :members: Misc tools (tools) ------------------- .. doxygengroup:: tools :members: