Dynamixel ROS Control ===================== dynamixel_control_hw ------------ `dynamixel_control_hw `__ is a high-performance `ROS control `__ package for Dynamixel actuators (`ROBOTIS `__ ). ROS control is a framework for control loops in `ROS `__ where the controller code is decoupled from the actual hardware interface. Dynamixel is a range of all-in-one actuators (motor, gearbox, control board, PID, etc.) addressed through a RS-485 bus, which are very popular in robotics. Features -------- * simple, ROS-style control interface for your dynamixel-based robot * not specific to a given number or set of actuators * position and velocity control * works with both version of Dynamixel protocol (1 and 2) * uses radians uniformly over all Dynamixel models (no need to worry about ticks-to-angle conversion) * you can set an offset for each actuator's position * set names for your dynamixels in a configuration file * joint limits Overview -------- .. image:: pics/roscontrol_dynamixel.png :alt: ROS control overview :target: _static/roscontrol_dynamixel.png :align: center Contents -------- .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: dynamixel_control_hw .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 self tutorials/index reference/index Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` Support ------- If you need some help, feel free to `fill an issue `__ on this repository. We’ll do our best to be responsive. License and authors ------------------- This work is distributed under the terms of the `CeCILL-C `_ license. © INRIA. The authors for this library are Dorian Goepp, Eloïse Dalin and Pierre Desreumaux.